Legal Agreements

Legal Agreements

Privacy Policy
This is the Privacy Policy that will be applicable to you as our Customer.

Customer Master Agreement
This is the main Customer Master agreement that would apply to you as our Customer. Apart from this Master Agreement, the following Product Specific Agreements may also apply to you depending on the Products and Services you buy.

Domain Registration Agreement
This represents the Agreement between yourself and us for domain registration.

Registrar Registrant Agreement for Domain Names
This represents the Agreement between the Registrant (Owner) of a Domain Name and the Registrar. If you register a domain name through us, this Agreement will apply to the person whose information you filled in the Owner section during the Registration process

Customer Agreement for Domain Names
This represents an addendum to the Customer Master Agreement between yourself and us for Domain Registration

Customer Agreement for Web Services
This represents an addendum to the Customer Master Agreement between yourself and us for Domain / Mail Forwarding and Managed DNS

Customer Agreement for Digital Certificates
This represents the Customer Agreement for Digital Certificates

Customer Hosting Product Agreement
This represents the Customer Agreement for Hosting

Customer Agreement for Themes, Plugins, Logos
This represents the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and User License Agreement for Themes, Plugins, Logos

# Registrant shall further endeavour to familiarize themselves with the Registrants' Benefits and Responsibilities applicable while registering gTLDs.

# Registrant is encouraged to refer to ICANN published Registrant Educational Materials.

# Domain Name Deletion & Auto-Renewal Policy.

If you work a full-time job in automation or you’re a freelancer in the space, chances are that you’ve developed the itch to start your own automation agency. Maybe you feel the call to step away from your 9-5. Or maybe you’ve freelanced for a while and have created a big enough clientele to start your own business. Whatever you do for a living right now, you can envision yourself doing something grander, something greater.

Begin to #MAKE today!

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